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How To Grow Your Fitness Business

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When you’re marketing your fitness business, you need a wide range of tools to succeed. Maybe you want to bring new members to your fitness studio or cultivate interest in your gym. Perhaps you are hoping to build a base of loyal customers who will return to your business for years to come. 

If you are searching for effective tips on how to grow your fitness business, look no further. 

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Fitness and Health Growth and Statistics

The fitness industry has been growing steadily for the past several years. The role of fitness in disease prevention, mental health, and overall wellbeing is clear. In fact, the U.S. fitness industry turns a profit of $25.8 billion dollars per year.  

As the health benefits of physical activity become more widely known, opportunities for health and fitness businesses continue to grow. Successful health and fitness advertisements and marketing strategies can draw on the clear advantages of physical activity. 

Consider the following:

  • One-fourth of Americans exercise at least once every month
  • 55 million Americans hold a gym membership
  • Fitness businesses make $80 billion globally each year

With the right marketing tools, approaches, and partnerships, you can build a thriving fitness business.

Whether you hope to boost memberships or move units of certain fitness products, these approaches can help. Below, we will examine specific marketing strategies to help grow a thriving fitness business. 

Marketing Your Fitness Business 

When you are trying to grow a company, branding is everything. Building a successful brand will ensure that customers have the best impression of your business. Your brand can also help to secure a loyal and reliable customer base.

You should incorporate your company’s brand and voice into all of the following marketing approaches.

Generate Leads

Leads are one of the most essential elements in building a successful fitness business. The ability to efficiently convert potential members into loyal customers is what defines a thriving fitness company. 

There are many proven strategies for generating high-quality leads. Whether you are investing in health and fitness advertisements, online content, or events, generating leads is crucial.

Publishing Books and Ebooks

Books and ebooks are excellent lead generation tools. They allow you to provide your audience with usable information. Workbooks are also a great strategy to engage users during webinars and online courses.

Consider a health or fitness problem that your customers regularly face. Next, create a book or ebook that offers simple and clear steps to solve the problem. Perhaps most of your customers are focused on losing weight. If so, develop an ebook that provides nutrition tips or strategies for scheduling exercise.

This type of content marketing helps to cultivate trust with your audience while offering them valuable and useful information.

Video Courses

Video content is a powerful marketing tool. Videos offer a range of advantages when it comes to promoting your fitness business. A video allows your audience to become familiar with your brand quickly and easily.

They are an excellent way to establish your brand as a reliable source of useful information. The video format can be used to provide customers with fitness tips that are best delivered in a visual format. 

For instance, complex exercise techniques can be shared through video courses. You can even use your smartphone to make original video content for your audience. 

The ease of video production keeps costs low. Share this content as part of your fitness brand through YouTube, social media, and video hosting sites. 

marketing fitness brand infographic

Leverage Social Media

No matter what type of business you are building, social media marketing is crucial. Gyms, studios, and other fitness businesses can use social media to build a solid brand and loyal customers. 

Social media marketing is not only about posting traditional health and fitness advertisements. Take a creative approach to this type of marketing content. 

Promote Your Audience (Not Yourself)

While promoting your brand is important, promoting your customers can be even better. Share your customers’ successes, achievements, and stories through social media posts. 

Promoting your audience will encourage them to become ambassadors for your brand. They can share their personal stories, while garnering more social media exposure for your business. 

Event Marketing

Events are very useful when it comes to marketing a fitness or health company. An event is a great way to drive interest in your business and get to know your customers better. 

Special events also provide potential clients with a better idea of what your business has to offer. There are many types of useful marketing events. Let’s take a look at some popular options below.

Offer Seminars

Build local awareness of your business by holding seminars on popular health-related topics. Some possible seminar topics include:

  • Tips for making meals more healthy
  • Exercise approaches for people in specific age ranges
  • Meditation and mental wellbeing sessions

No matter what the topic may be, seminars are a great way to become more familiar with the broader community in your area. Allow seminar attendees to bring a friend and collect their contact information so that you can generate even more high-quality leads.

Online Events

In the past year, people have become much more open to attending online events. Virtual seminars or exercise sessions have very low overhead. 

You can arrange a virtual chat session with your best fitness trainer or lead a virtual meditation session. Another possibility is to have a nutrition specialist offer tips on healthy meal planning.

Whether they’re done face-to-face or online, community events are a powerful marketing tool. They can help you to promote your fitness business to potential customers. 

Pricing, Subscriptions, and Packaging

The way that you market your company’s pricing, subscriptions, and packaging is important. Do not simply list your prices and assume that customers will do the rest. 

For instance, some research suggests that offering three distinct pricing options can encourage customers to choose the one in the middle. You can use this tip to increase your average product order. This can also help you to bump up the standard member sign-up rate. 

Offering packaged options of products or subscriptions is also an effective strategy. Package similar products and services into bundles in order to incentivize additional sales.

Working with Print Bind Ship to Grow Your Fitness Business

Now that you know how to grow your fitness business, it’s time to get started with effective marketing. Along with creative marketing strategies, productive partnerships are also incredibly useful.

The premier third-party logistics team at Print Bind Ship can provide your fitness company with all of the services that you need to enact powerful eCommerce marketing. Our best-in-class fulfillment services include packaging design, storefront integration, and worldwide shipping. Contact Print Bind Ship today!

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