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How to Grow Your Email List: 13 Strategies for 2023

Published in All Resources

If half the world’s population uses a particular item, it could be said that anyone with significant influence would be crazy to ignore it. 

Nevertheless, some marketers overlook the versatility and sheer scope of emailing, a medium that upwards of four billion people make use of each day. That number is precisely why lists of emails still prove valuable, and businesses that deploy email marketing tactics claim that they make for one of the strongest strategies. 

Learning to craft and knowing how to grow your email list into something effective and accurate is essential. Fostering email list growth will help your business take advantage of the fact that potential customers, even those who practically live on their smartphones, still prefer receiving brand communications via email.

1. Start with a Strong Lead Magnet

Privacy remains a massive issue online, and you can’t expect email recipients to take it lightly. An individual will only disclose their email address in exchange for something that is truly enticing to them, so offer an e-book, webinar, discount, free course or free product. Email list growth comes from identifying pain points and giving unique solutions to users that no one else can or will offer.

2. Create Targeted Opt-in Forms

Opt-in forms are often ignored unless they’re expressly attention-grabbing and worth your visitors’ time. Ask yourself why they should sign up and determine what you will offer them. Only then can you implement your pop-up, slide-in or sidebar opt-in form with a strong call to action.

3. Leverage Social Media

People are social creatures. We want to interact with other people, and though that might not sound all that extraordinary, it’s the crux of social media. Your various profiles are wonderful avenues for connecting with followers and customers, and you can encourage them to sign up for your email list in exchange for discounts or other offers.

4. Collaborate with Influencers

You can build email lists by finding influencers that your customers or potential customers follow and find trustworthy. These collaborations can expand your brand and help you capture a larger audience of email list subscribers.

5. Offer Exclusive Content

People like feeling as though they’re part of an exclusive club where they can get all sorts of cool perks. Sneak peeks of new products or private content, along with discounts and other freebies, promote brand loyalty. With Print Bind Ship’s Mail Genius, you can send all of that plus custom notecards that look genuinely handwritten, crafting an unbelievable unboxing experience.

6. Allow Subscribers to Share

Sharing is caring, so if you want your subscribers to care, let them share. Your social media sharing buttons should be in all your email blasts so subscribers can easily refer your brand to their friends and family. 

7. Create an App

Giving your users an app to solve a problem, provide a tool or just for fun increases your brand’s positive perception, and it’s also a great way to collect email addresses. Perhaps some of the app’s functions require an email login, for instance, or the user has to use an email address to create an account.

8. Optimize Landing Pages

Once a website requires too many clicks to navigate, users drop off fast. Your landing pages should be set up to quickly guide users where you want them to go, whether toward buying products, hiring you for your services or signing up for events, among other options.

9. Use Direct Mail Campaigns

We’ve mentioned Mail Genius already, but if you want to get users on board by signing up for email lists, you can use a direct mail campaign to target specific potential customers. The targeting parameters can be based on income, age, location or any other metric you care to use. Having an enticing offer on a physical card creates a connection that’s not possible through purely digital marketing.

10. Start a Blog

Blogs are a fantastic means of boosting website traffic. Using proper SEO techniques can make websites rise to the top of search engine rankings, and the blogs themselves position businesses as experts worth listening to. The blog can then become an avenue for collecting email addresses through blog subscriptions.

11. Segment Email Lists

Your goal isn’t just figuring out how to make an email list: You want to know how to build email lists that get results, meaning you’ll need more than one. Consider making some products more appropriate for higher-income users and other products better suited to lower-income users. Your lists should be split to tailor your messaging to the right groups.

12. Test Everything

Your campaigns need to have the best chance of success, and sometimes, you won’t know how to achieve that success without testing different types of messages or offers. After running an A/B comparison, you can see which one had the better effect and modify future campaigns accordingly.

13. Grow Your Email List with Print Bind Ship!

Even with a thorough understanding of how to grow your email list, you may still question your next step. You could go about things on your own or select a trusted, experienced partner who knows email marketing inside and out.

Print Bind Ship is more than just a printer. We help businesses grow and thrive through effective marketing campaigns with printed and digital materials. Get started on the path to great success and grow your email list by contacting Print Bind Ship today.


Why is having an email list important for growing my business?

Email is still one of the most widely used communication methods, and email marketing boasts high response rates.

How can I encourage people to sign up for my email list?

The most important aspect of enticing people to sign up for email lists is providing something they want in exchange. You can provide free courses, webinars, e-books, discount codes or products.

How often should I send emails to my subscribers?

Send between 10 and 19 emails per month. You want to remain top of mind but not spam users’ inboxes.

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