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Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) Postcards

Published in All Resources

Direct mail has been around for ages, but there’s a new service available that local businesses can seriously benefit from: Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcards. You don’t need a mailing list to derive value from this cost-effective means of advertising. 

Here’s what to know about EDDM postcards and how they can aid your organization.

What Are Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) Postcards?

An EDDM postcard is a type of direct mailer you can use to promote your business. 

EDDMs are similar to regular postcards in that they’re single-page printouts that recipients don’t need to open. You can customize EDDM postcards with your graphic designs and messaging to reach potential customers.

With the right partner, creating EDDM postcards and sending them to your selected audience is easy. It’s a straightforward process, but it can deliver big results.

15 Top Strategies for Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) Postcards

To make the most of your U.S. Postal Service (USPS) direct mailers, consider these 15 strategies. The best results come from careful planning, which includes setting objectives, conveying the right message and identifying your target audience.

Choose a Reliable EDDM Printing and Mailing Partner

Before starting an EDDM postcard printing campaign, choose a trustworthy printing partner. You’ll get everything you need with Print Bind Ship. Our complete EDDM printing solution is suitable for all projects and campaigns. 

We also offer a unique tool known as Mail Genius. With Mail Genius, you can include personalized messaging for your direct mail (including custom “handwritten” postcards), resulting in more qualified leads and conversions.

Define Your Target Area

To get started with EDDM postcards, select your desired mailing routes through the USPS website. Choose the people you want to mail according to basic demographics like age and income. You can customize your audience based on ZIP codes, streets and cities.

Define your target audience to reach customers who fit your typical consumer profiles. 

Compelling Design

Your EDDM postcard should be visually appealing, with bold colors, graphics and messaging. Print Bind Ship can assist if you’re struggling to develop a great design for your USPS direct mailers. 

Highlight Benefits

Make sure you convey the benefits of your offer so consumers understand what they’ll gain from your business. Customers who understand how your products and services can benefit them are more likely to respond to your mailer rather than throw it in the trash. 

Call to Action (CTA)

Your EDDM postcard should include a compelling message that encourages recipients to take a specific action, like visiting your store or making a purchase. 

Special Offers

EDDMs get the most traction when they include a unique offer, discount or coupon customers can take advantage of. You’ll see much higher engagement when your audience knows they only have one chance to benefit from a particular deal or discount.

Brand Consistency

Remember to include your company’s logo and color scheme on your EDDM postcard to help consumers recognize your brand.

If you need a hand designing your EDDM postcard, turn to Print Bind Ship. We can ensure that your postcard reflects your brand identity.

Clear Contact Information

Your EDDM card should include your company’s name, address, phone number, website URL and social media accounts. If people don’t know where you are or how to contact you, they’re unlikely to act on your postcard. 

Trackable Codes or URLs

Print Bind Ship can include specialized QR or discount codes on your EDDM postcards to make it easier to measure the results of your campaign.

Multiple Drops

Print Bind Ship can work with you on multiple EDDM campaigns that target the same area. Once we understand your strategy, you can put your EDDM campaign on autopilot and send repeated mailers according to your desired frequency.

Follow-Up Strategy

A solid follow-up strategy can encourage more engagement after your EDDM campaign ends.

Print Bind Ship’s Mail Genius allows companies to send tailored messages to clients. Mail Genius can add a unique, customized touch to your marketing that clients will appreciate.

Test and Refine

A solid A/B testing strategy will help you determine the most effective design. You might create multiple EDDM campaign designs to see which brings the most substantial results.

Professional Printing

Finding a professional printing service with EDDM printing experience is critical. When you partner with Print Bind Ship, you can guarantee that your mailers will have a crisp, polished look that compels recipients to read them.

Compliance with USPS Guidelines

Print Bind Ship offers high-quality mailers designed to fit USPS guidelines. As such, you won’t need to worry about EDDMs that don’t fit the USPS criteria.

Local Partnerships

Local businesses often use direct mail campaigns to reach customers. Consider collaborating with them and including your EDDM postcards in their mailings. 

Measure Results

Print Bind Ship offers several options that can help you measure the success of your EDDM campaigns, including unique discount codes and QR tracking. 

Tracking your results helps you understand whether your campaign is working or you need to tweak your strategy.

EDDM Postcard Printing

EDDM postcards are perfect for local organizations that want to get the word out about a grand opening or significant upcoming event. You can use EDDMs to advertise your restaurant’s takeout menu, your retail store’s major sale or your organization’s upcoming charity event. 

Whether you need an EDDM solution or are looking for further customization options with Mail Genius, Print Bind Ship can help. Contact us today to get started.


What should I include on my grand opening postcard?

Your grand opening postcard should include specifics about your business, including location, opening hours, website details and the products or services you offer. Don’t forget to list your grand opening date so customers know when to show up.

How soon should I mail out my grand opening postcards?

It’s best to mail your grand opening postcards within a week of your opening date. If you send them too far in advance, clients may forget. If you send it too close to your grand opening, they may already have other plans that prevent them from attending.

How can I make my grand opening postcard stand out?

To make your grand opening postcard stand out from other mail, use bold font and lots of colors. A splashy advertisement with direct CTAs is more likely to attract attention than one with plain, black-and-white text.

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