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Top 16 Book Marketing Ideas in 2023

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Self-publishing your book is a great way to get your work out into the world and start building an audience. Once you’ve done the hard work of writing, editing and formatting your book, it’s time to start thinking about how to market it and get the word out.

16 Book Marketing Ideas for Self-Published Authors

Plenty of marketing tools are out there for self-published authors, and the key is finding the right ones to help you reach your target readers. Below are some of the best strategies to market your self-published book.

1. Create an Author Website

Having your own website is essential for any author who wants to build a platform for themselves and their book. A website allows you to control your content and provide a hub where potential readers can learn more about you and your work.

2. Leverage Social Media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools for self-published authors. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are great for interacting with potential readers, building a community and sharing news about your book.

3. Build an Email List

An email list is an invaluable tool when it comes to marketing your book. It allows you to stay in touch with people who have shown an interest in your work and allows you to reach out and let them know about new releases or special offers.

4. Connect With Influencers

Influencer marketing is a great way to get the word out about your book. Reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to review or promote your book in exchange for a copy. You can also offer to do an interview or guest post on their website or blog.

5. Run Ads

Running ads is another effective way to get the word out about your book and reach potential readers. Consider running ads on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub or Facebook.

6. Participate in Book Tours and Book Fairs

Book tours and book fairs are great for connecting with readers in person and building relationships with bookstores. They also are an effective way to get your name out there and promote your book face to face.

7. Use Printed Books

While digital books are becoming more popular, printed books still have a place. Use printed books to get your book into libraries, bookstores and other places where readers can find it.

8. Get Reviews

Getting reviews of your book is an important part of marketing it. Reviews can help build credibility and trust with potential readers, so aim to get as many as you can. Ask family and friends or reach out to bloggers in your genre for an honest review. You can also offer free copies of your book in exchange for reviews on Amazon or Goodreads.

9. Use Online Book Promotion Services

Online book promotion services are a great way to get your book in front of potential readers. The services help you target specific demographics and can be very effective when it comes to reaching your target audience.

10. Invest in Paid Promotions

Organic reach is great, but investing in paid promotions can give your book the boost it needs. Paid promotions can range from sponsored posts on social media to ads in newspapers and magazines. These are often more expensive, but they can be worth the investment if you want to reach a wider audience.

11. Leverage Events and Speaking Engagements

Events and speaking engagements are a great way to market your book. Attend local events or book signings, give talks at conferences or host an event of your own. This a great opportunity to get the word out about your book and helps you build relationships with potential readers.

12. Network With Other Authors

Networking with other authors can be a great way to get advice, build relationships and share ideas. Attend author events or join online groups to meet other authors who can help you promote your book.

13. Reach Out to Bloggers and Reviewers

Reaching out to bloggers and reviewers is a great way to get the word out about your book. Offer free copies of your book in exchange for honest reviews or guest posts on their blog.

14. Generate Content Around the Book’s Topic

Generating content around the topic of your book is a great way to engage with readers and generate interest. Consider creating blog posts, videos or podcasts related to the topic of your book. This will help you create buzz and reach potential readers who may not have heard of your book otherwise.

15. Engage Your Audience

Engagement is essential for any successful book marketing campaign. Make sure to interact with your followers and readers regularly. Ask questions, create polls or host giveaways to encourage engagement. This will help build relationships and create a connection between you and your readers.

16. Create an Eye-Catching Cover

Make sure to create an eye-catching cover. Your book cover is often the first thing potential readers will see, so it’s important to make sure it stands out and grabs their attention. Work with a professional designer if possible or consider using online tools such as Canva or Adobe Spark to create your own.

In addition to creating an attractive cover, be sure to write an effective book description. This is the first thing potential readers will read about your book, so make sure it’s engaging and provides a good overview of what your book is about.

5 Best Practices for Marketing a Self-Published Book

When it comes to marketing your self-published book, follow some of the best practices below.

1. Create a Promotion Plan

Creating a promotion plan is key to the success of any book marketing campaign. Make sure to include both organic and paid strategies in your plan and be consistent with your messaging.

2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

It’s important to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to book marketing. Make sure your content is engaging and valuable to your readers — not just a sales pitch.

3. Be Organized

Organizing your marketing plan is essential to the success of your book. Create a schedule for when you will post, how often and on which platforms. This will help ensure that you are consistent in your promotion efforts and maximize their effectiveness.

4. Track Your Results

Tracking results is important to the success of any marketing campaign. Keep track of which strategies are working and which need to be improved or changed to get the best results. Consider using analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track your progress.

5. Understand Your Audience

To effectively market your self-published book, you need to understand who your audience is. Find out what platforms they use, what topics interest them and what content resonates with them. This will help you create effective marketing strategies and target the right people.

Self-Publish Your Book Confidently with Print Bind Ship

Promoting a self-published book can be an arduous task, but it is worth it in the long run. While using online marketing tactics such as email lists and social media posts can help drive awareness and create hype about the book, careful planning and creative ideas can make all the difference when it comes to engaging potential readers.

If you are looking to self-publish your book, worry no more as Print Bind Ship (PBS) is the one-stop solution for all book publishing needs. PBS offers book printing, order fulfillment, shipping and online book sales management services. Contact us to learn about the custom resources we offer for self-publishing your book.


How many books does a self-published author usually sell?

The number of books a self-published author typically sells can vary greatly depending on the quality of the book, the author’s marketing efforts and other factors. Most self-published authors will sell anywhere from a few hundred copies to thousands of copies.

Can I sell my self-published book to a publisher?

Yes, it is possible to sell your self-published book to a publisher. Most publishers are interested in books that have already been successful in the marketplace, and they may be willing to purchase the rights to your book. You should keep in mind that the publisher may want to make changes to the content or layout of your book before it will take it on.

How many books do you need to sell to be a best-selling author?

There is no definitive answer as to how many books you need to sell to become a best-selling author. It depends on the genre of your book and when it was published as well as the amount of marketing and promotion you put into it.

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