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6 Ways to Market (Expand) Your Brand

Published in All Resources

Coming up with ideas to expand your market impact can be difficult, but with the explosion of new technologies and marketing experiments, you can find ways to expand the way you market your brand. Using the power of mobile technology, analytics and mixed-media advertising, you can expand your brand with a little creativity. This blog will give you six ideas for how to market and expand your brand.

Introduce a Promotion

Using a promotion can increase interest in your brand while attracting new customers. Whether using discount codes, buy-one-get-ones or other bundled offers, promotions can be the backbone of a new product launch or the perfect way to expand the impact of your brand.

Start a Blog

If you don’t have a blog for your business yet, now is the time to start one. A blog builds interest in your brand while attracting new customers. Use your blog to share information, offer helpful tips and advice and entice people to try your product or service.

When starting a blog, it’s key that your writing meets the standards of major search engines while also being engaging and knowledgeable. Using regularly updated and vetted sources is key to creating worthwhile content.

Launch a Social Media Contest

If you’re not already using social media to promote your business, a contest can be a great way to start if you have a partially built-in audience. Social media contests allow you to gamify the experience customers have with your company. Using the correct combination of social tools and social push to launch a contest for your products or service can be a way to reach a target audience you didn’t even know you had. Regardless of what the prize is, make sure it’s something that people will want to share.

When hosting a contest, be sure to follow the rules and regulations of whatever platform you are using so you don’t end up being shadow banned or worse. Every social media platform has a FAQ and knowledge base that will tell you the rules.

To hold a successful contest, do something out of the ordinary. Coming up with a catchy hashtag to group your contestants’ posts will be good for organizing content, and if it reaches critical mass you can create real vitality.

Once the contest is over, be transparent with your audience and show that the winner is chosen in a timely manner and clearly announced on all the appropriate channels. Reach out to the winner and let them know how to claim their prize.

Implement an SEO Campaign

Though implementing SEO might seem to be a part of the blogging section, doing a website audit to figure out what keywords are bringing users to your website and their next best-related terms can be a way to overtake key terms from your competitors while also expanding your current reach.

Run Google Ads

Running ads is an intrinsic part of the sales funnel. Using Google Ads and Tag Manager functions to create ads that truly speak to your customer is a perfect way to target and retarget potential customers while also leading them directly to the things they are most interested in.

Work with an Influencer

Though this option doesn’t make sense for every business, influencers have made and broken brands. Some industries live and die by influencers or influencer groups; for instance, although Facebook is in a death-rattle phase, mommy groups can still rank products. Working with the right influencer can bring gravitas or scorn to your business, so it’s important to do your research and have someone do an audit of their past statements. In the right scenario, an influencer could bring you a whole new audience or help you connect with a part of your audience you were cut off from. When working with an influencer, make sure the terms are clear and agree on a certain amount of time that posts will be kept up fully tagging your brand and including the right links.

Promote with Print Bind Ship

Whether you’re struggling to figure out what you should have done for the holidays or the new year’s promotion to get those last or first-quarter dollars, PBS has a team of print marketing professionals that can help you figure out where to pivot, put down roots or pull out of marketing plans that aren’t working.


What are the best ways to promote a product?

The best way to promote a product will depend on your audience and where they can be reached. Generally speaking, social media and Google Ads are a great first place to start.

How do you market a brand product?

Marketing a product that is based on a brand is usually done by pairing the new product with a tried and true seller.

How do you introduce a brand to the market?

The way you introduce a brand to market depends on the industry you’re in and the audience that you are looking to gain.

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